since I believe, the end of the first season of Reborn. I've been a fan of your work for a long time. Saw his cleverly named Houndoom get dragged off to hell, got attacked by a bunch of bird-men, got sent to prison, busted out of prison, won a phyricc victory over and evil robot? lady, blocked a laser beam with a wooden shield, saw his mother murdered right in front of him, saw his woes and problems swept aside for a blonde wunderkind who can do no wrong to show up and steal the spotlight/glory/all his friends,saw his 2nd best girl turned to stone,saw that Geara can somehow teleport, learned that an entire island was brought to its knees by a FUCKING CARNIVINE, lost five of his Pokemon to a side-quest, had his best best girl replaced some stupid Novae bitch from PokeHawaii, fought a literal ice-witch with a maid army, lost 3rd best girl to an ancient curse from a civilisation of dickheads, had to deal with Melia-Sue running off for no fucking reason, fought a team of LITERAL retards, fought off an alien invasion, fought what he thought was his dead mother's ghost, adopted the child of his sworn enemy Narcissa's old Chandelure which had been mutated and took the form of said mother's ghost, saved a teenage rock-star, her mom and a bitch from a giant whale's stomach, finally climbed a god-damn mountain after 50 god-damn episodes of faffing about.

You're telling this to the guy who's been: almost drowned, beat a level 85 Alakazam with a Purrlion, got sent to the Shadow Realm multiple times, saw a witch kidnap three men over a Starly, went into a simulation of the past, fought a giant spider, found an Infinity Stone, fought a Shadow Mewtwo with a suicidal Electrode, fought a horcrux Gym leader, fought a little girl gym leader in a time-travelling mansion, saw a 8 year old child tear down a jail cell with her bare orphan hands, saw a Double-Team illusion physically choke someone, discovered yet another group of idiots assuming Giratina could ever create a better world when all it's ever been shown to do is create and empty void.